Zacher Tiburzi

Integrated Circuits Fabrication

Group of 2, September 2015 - December 2015

Fabrication & characterization: Jonathan On

Fabrication & characterization: Me

This project covered the basic fabrication processes for MOS IC. This included lecture and hands on experience with photo-lithography, wet chemical etching, impurity diffusion, oxidation, metalization, and characterization of devices. The lecture series covered these subjects in detail as well as more advanced techniques, such as physical methods of deposition and etching.

The photos shows the wafer while it is on the profiler, also transistor profile and microscope images are shown.

Initial wafer
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
clean room
clean room
surface profile
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed
wafer being analyzed